Friday 12 January 2024

Lord Pegglesworth's Dungeon

Another flash fiction piece of mine was published in the 300th issue of AntipodeanSF last month! You can read it here!

Monday 2 October 2023

Genie and Genius

Another flash fiction piece of mine was published in the 300th issue of AntipodeanSF last month! You can read it here, and once it gets archived, you can read it here!

Saturday 5 August 2023

Skull Surprise

Another flash fiction piece of mine has been published on AntipodeanSF! Enjoy!

Edit: Since it has now been archived, you can read it here instead!

Monday 3 July 2023

A Strange Invitation

Another flash fiction piece of mine has been published on AntipodeanSF! Enjoy!

Edit -- Archival version can be found below:

Tuesday 2 May 2023

Babysitting the Beast

Another flash fiction piece of mine has been published on AntipodeanSF! Enjoy! 

Edit -- Archived version can be found here:

Wednesday 1 February 2023


 Another flash fiction piece of mine has been published on AntipodeanSF! Enjoy!

5/02/2023 edit: updated link

6/03 edit: archived link

Monday 31 October 2022

Goblin Hunter

A flash fiction piece of mine has been published on AntipodeanSF! Happy with how this one turned out and very honoured to have it published here.

8/12/2022 edit: archived version can be found here